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  • Writer's pictureThe International Dravidian Association

"Welcome to TIDA, where our roots run deep, and our aspirations soar high"

Greetings to the dearest members of the community. This is TIDA, THE INTERNATIONAL DRAVIDIAN ASSOCIATION. TIDA is a student-led community organization where history meets pride, and tradition meets progress. Our aim is to connect Dravidians worldwide, to establish support in bringing back lost unity and in reviving the lost heritage of the Dravidian community. We are a vibrant community dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich cultural tapestry of the Dravidian heritage. Our association stands as a testament to the resilience and magnificence of the Dravidian people, whose history dates back to ancient civilizations. TIDA has no political, religious, or any caste associations. We are neither anti-Brahmin nor atheists. TIDA does not favor any ideology as such; our guiding mantra is unity, peace, equality & social justice. Though we are greatly inspired by the teachings of many Dravidian scholars like Periyar (EVR), we do not entirely adopt their ideology. We aim to form an ideology that would support the modern needs of society and benefit Dravidians.

At TIDA, we take pride in fostering a sense of unity that transcends time and space. The Dravidian community is very vast and is one of the ancient civilizations dating back to 3300 and 1300 BCE. Our mission is to honor the enduring legacy of the Dravidian community by promoting cultural awareness, preserving traditions, and embracing the spirit of inclusivity. As we navigate the present, we draw strength from the historical achievements, languages, art, and philosophies that define the Dravidian heritage.

Join us on a journey that pays homage to the greatness of our ancestors and charts a course towards a future where the Dravidian spirit continues to flourish. Together, let's celebrate history, preserve pride, and weave a narrative that echoes through generations. Welcome to TIDA, where our roots run deep, and our aspirations soar high.


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